Pressure Conveying System, Metallic Dross Separation System, Closed Loop Conveying System, Vacuum Conveying System, Mumbai, India

Contact: *

Company Name :*

Designation :
Mailing Address : *
City : *
Pin Code :
Cell No. :
Phone No. : *
Fax No. :
Email : *
How did you hear of D.P. Pulversiers
Name of Product to be ground
Weight per cubic feet
Moisture Content In Feed Material
Feed Size (Average Size)
Largest Piece
Desired finished size ( Mesh / Microns )
Output Desired per Kgs / hour
Is dust a concern Yes      No
Is the material hygroscopic Yes      No
Is the material abrasive Yes      No
Is the material corrosive Yes      No
Is stainless steel construction required Yes      No
Is the material available for testing Yes      No
Additional Comment on application


Modi & Modi Building No. 2, 76, Nagindas Master Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400023, Maharashtra, India
Tel. :
91 - 22 - 2267 4901, 91 - 22 - 2267 0976, 91 - 22 - 2267 5724
Cell :91-9820413168 Fax : 91 - 22 - 2267 6435
Email  : 
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